95921f06 A631 4193 9b71 C30a450b734f
Item Number: H4290021 (Large) - H4290020 (Small)

Tool Holder

The tool holder can be simply installed on restraint-belts, harnesses or fire-brigade-belts and serves for carrying tools, (at fire-brigade-belts eg. hose carrier) etc. Secure tools with a cord for safety reasons!

Warning: Do not use the tool holder as a connector (carabiner). The tool holder is not a load-bearing element (maximum load Large: 0,15 kN = 15 kg, Small: 0,05 kN = 5 kg) and not a personal protection equipment (PPE) – only accessories.

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  • PA (body)
  • Stainless steel (wire)


Not Applicable

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